Police, Fire, Ambulance | Triple Zero (000) |
13HEALTH | 13 432 584 |
Biosecurity Queensland - for stranded livestock | 13 25 23 |
Energex - Emergency 24/7 | 13 19 62 |
Energex - Power outages 24/7 | 13 62 62 |
Ergon Energy - Emergency 24/7 | 13 16 70 |
Ergon Energy - Power outages 24/7 | 13 22 96 |
Fire and Emergency Services Newsroom | |
Lifeline | 13 11 14 |
National Relay Service | 13 36 77 |
Poisons helpline | 13 11 26 |
Police, Fire and Ambulance | 000 |
Policelink - general enquiries | 13 14 44 |
Road traffic and travel information | 13 19 40 |
RSPCA QLD 24/7 Animal emergencies | 1300 264 625 |
RSPCA QLD Lost and found | 1300 363 736 |
SES - Flood and storm emergency assistance | 13 25 00 |
State Emergency Service (SES) | |
Translating and Interpreting Service 24/7 | 131 450 |
Tsunami warning | 1300 878 6264 |
Unity Water - Faults and emergencies | 1300 086 489 |
Urban Utilities - Faults and emergencies | 13 23 64 |