This page provides a range of materials to support communication about Get Ready Queensland. 


Dangerous Weather Resources

Get Ready Queensland Dangerous Weather Emergency Plan
Dangerous Weather Check Lists

Conversation cards

Click below for a pdf version of each plan

Have a Plan
Pack a Kit
Bushfire Conversation Cards
Cyclone Conversation Cards
Earthquake Conversation Cards
Flood conversation cards
Heatwave Conversation Cards
Landslide Conversation Cards
Storm Conversation Cards
Tsunami Conversation Cards

2022 Get Ready Queensland Research Results

Get Ready Queensland undertook state-wide market research in the first half of 2022 to understand community attitudes about disaster risk and preparedness throughout Queensland. The Get Ready Queensland research shows how people’s attitudes towards disaster risk is Impacting community resilience.

Key facts 

Click the links below to download fact sheets for regions across Queensland.

Download all
Coastal Communities
First Nations Communities
Resources and Mining Communities
Rural and Remote Communities
South East Queensland Communities
Download all
First Nations Communities
Resources and Mining Communities
Rural and Remote Communities
South East Queensland Communities

Extreme videos

Check out this new series of 3D disaster animations we developed in partnership with the Bureau of Meteorology.

These hyper-realistic videos place viewers at the centre of Queensland’s most frequent natural disasters - severe storms, cyclones and flooding – highlighting the risks of extreme weather.

Watch Extreme Weather - Cyclones on YouTube.
Watch Extreme Weather - Flooding on YouTube.
Watch Extreme Weather - Hail on YouTube.

Extreme videos - shorter versions (15/30/60 seconds)






Audience messages

Find out more and Get Ready

Check out these other pages and useful resources on the Council Hub.